Engagement at the nation

Engagement at Gästrike-Hälsinge nation

Gästrike-Hälsinge nation is driven by student for students. Everything you see at the nation, or everything you would wish were at the nation, cannot exist if student didn’t come together to make it possible! There are many different ways to be active at the nation.


Being engaged at the nation can give different benefits such as discount on food and drink, free gasques, extra housing points and access to parties and other activities only for active members of the nation. Apart from this you get something studies at the university can’t give you – an opportunity to influence the student life, an opportunity to develop different skills, like leadership and teamwork, making friends with students studying all kinds of different things. Perhaps you can even spice up your CV by being active here?

Position or just helping out – you choose!

There are different ways to be engaged at GH nation. You can choose to take up a position at the nation, work at the nation, or join one of our societies.


The form below is for you who is interested about being active at GH. After you’ve filled out this form someone from the election committee will contact you. You can show interest for a specific position or just generally. Either way, the election committee will contact you to about becoming a part of our nation!